Travelling to Morocco — Frequently Asked Questions

Morocco is a stunning country filled with breathtaking mountains, deserts, and lush forests. While adjusting to a new culture can take time, Morocco’s European influence makes it easy. Our tours give you an authentic experience, steering clear of tourist traps and offering a relaxing journey for the whole family.

If you have any questions or need assistance planning your adventure, feel free to contact us—we’re here to help!

What are Morocco’s visa and passport requirements ?

Entry to Morocco requires a valid passport with more than 6 months left before it’s expiry date. Visas are not required if you are British, Australian, Canadian, American, Chinese or an EU citizen unless you are planning to stay beyond 90 days.

What’s the easiest way to get to Morocco ?

Flying to Morocco is the easiest way of getting here, although there are plenty of ways to get here via ferry from France, Spain, or Portugal. Getting to Morocco is a relatively simple task.

If you’re planning to fly from Europe or the UK, you can usually find good deals on direct flights to the main cities in the country. Marrakech is the most commonly used airport, but we can also pick you up from any of the other main airports in the country and adjust your tour to fit. If you need some extra pointers on what airport to go to, please call us and we’ll point you in the right direction

For visitors coming from the US or Canada, you may also have to book a connecting flight, however, there is usually a number of direct flight from Royal Air Maroc that’ll take you straight to Casablanca. Again, if you are unsure, please feel free to get in touch and we’ll point you in the right direction.

Is Morocco safe to travel in ?

The safety of a country is obviously always a main concern to travellers. Although our tours are designed with your utmost safety in mind and our tour guides are here to ensure your safety, there are always things to be aware of.

We would advise you to keep an eye on your valuables at all times, particularly in the crowded souk and market areas. We also recommend you stay with your party and do not wander off alone, particularly in the more remote destinations. It is worth noting, particularly for our female travellers, although the rates of tourist harassment have been significantly reduced in recent years, there are still locations where you might get hassled if you are by yourself.

If you have any concerns regarding your safety, please feel free to talk to us.

What clothing should I bring to Morocco ?

Morocco is generally hot, with summers that can really bake the landscape. We’d recommend loose clothing that covers the skin and hats to protect the face and neck from sunburn. It can, however, get quite chilly in the evenings in some destinations so it’s worth packing a sweater or two.

Please also bring modest clothing if you are planning to visit Mosques or other religious locations such as the city Mausoleums.

Are there any health concerns in Morocco ?

Since our tours can take us through some remote areas of the country, we’d recommend taking some anti-bacterial hand gel, wipes, and other basic first aid equipment. Although our vehicle has first aid supplies, it’s generally a good idea to have your own also.

Visit your GP at least 4 to 6 weeks before your trip to check whether you need any vaccinations or other preventive measures.

How hot does it get in Morocco ?

Morocco’s temperature can vary depending on what part of the country you visit. The Sahara desert in the summer can increase to over 40°C in the day, to almost freezing at night, whereas the high mountainous regions can fall to temperatures of around 15°C or below. When you book a tour with us, we’ll advise you on the weather, what you’ll need to bring, and how to ensure you’re properly prepared wherever you go.

Sunburn is also a common problem that many of our customers fall victim to. Please ensure you have adequate sun protection, especially in the summer months and if you’re planning to tour the Sahara.

Is Moroccan Food and Drink safe ?

We’d suggest you buy bottled water at all times just to stay on the safe side.

As with all places, exercise caution on where you choose to eat. Our guides will be able to advise you on some of the better places to eat throughout our day trips and tours.

We’d also suggest taking some anti-Diarrhoea tablets (particularly the instant versions that melt on the tongue) as adjusting to new food can take a day or two.

Allergies ?

Morocco’s food is a diverse mix of different herbs, spices, vegetables, and meats, so if you have allergies, please let us know so we can ensure your food is ok for you to eat.

We’d suggest you avoid getting henna tattoos done by street vendors as the type of ink used can also cause potentially severe allergic reactions.

What currency does Morocco use ?

Morocco uses the Dirham as its national currency. These can only be purchased inside the country, so make sure to pick some up when you arrive at the Airport.

The current currency exchange rate for Dirham

Find other currency exchange rates.

While many built up areas will have hotels and shops that take credit cards, you’ll usually get a better price using cash. There are plenty of ATMs in the major cities, however, you’ll be unlikely to find any outside the commercial areas, and won’t find any in the more remote regions.

Electricity in Morocco ?

Morocco uses the European 220-volt plugs. You can pick adapters up at any airport along the way.

Please bear in mind that some of the Berber villages and more remote regions of Morocco don’t have access to electricity, so we’d recommend picking up some portable chargers if you need to have your phone or camera batteries charged.

Will my phone work in Morocco ?

Most mobile phones will use Morocco’s GSM network. We’d recommend contacting your network provider to set up roaming fees before leaving.

Do I need travel insurance when going to Morocco ?

Travel insurance is highly recommended when visiting Morocco. It doesn’t cost a lot, but can solve a lot of potential issues should your baggage go missing, if you get injured or if something else should go wrong while on holiday so it’s well worth the investment.

What languages do Moroccan speak ?

Moroccans generally speak 2 languages; Arabic and Berber. However, many Moroccans also speak French and Spanish too. English is also relatively common.

Our tour guides are fluent in many languages so we’ll be able to help you overcome any language barriers.

How to haggle in Morocco ?

Many western countries consider it rude to haggle, but in Morocco, practically everything is available to be bartered on. While hotels and western companies in the commercial centres may charge a fixed price, at street stalls, shops and other merchants you can expect to barter.

When looking at goods in a shop, shop owners can be a bit pushy. It’s best to explain you are just looking by saying “Tan shouf”. Once you’ve found something you like, feel free to set your price. Many shopkeepers will inflate prices if they think you’re a tourist, so make sure to stay firm on your desired price to bring it down. If they refuse, feel free to walk away and explain you’ll look elsewhere. This can sometimes lead them to drop the price further.

Haggling can be quite tricky if you’re not used to it, but stay patient, firm, and polite and you’ll usually get a better price.

Are there really goats in the trees ?

Yes! The trees in question are Argania spinose (or argan) and the goats are drawn to the argan fruit. Argan goats can scale a tree up to 30 feet tall in order to reach its fruit. If you are lucky, you may see them yourself!

Still have questions about travelling to Morocco? Please feel free to get in touch and we’ll explain everything you need to know.

Got any questions about our holidays in Morocco? Get in touch with us and we’ll do what we can to help !